Insights by Category


  • Winning isn’t everything

    Winning isn’t everything

    In May 2009 when we had to decide whether to turn-off or turn-around the Perth Wildcats, numerous decisions had to be made. We asked ourselves three questions: What is our Purpose? How shall we Perform? and Who are our People?… Read More…

  • Focus on the outside

    Focus on the outside

    As managers, it is often easy to get caught up in the everyday. The constant demands of the email in-box, the regular board and management meetings, the routine of operations or the unending unforeseen issues that require your attention can… Read More…

  • Why are they on the team?

    Why are they on the team?

    Not everyone is on the team for the same reason. A manager’s genuine understanding of each team member’s key drivers can greatly improve individual and team performance. In most good teams, there is clarity of mission, good-charactered people committed to… Read More…

  • It’s lonely at the top…and all the way down!

    It’s lonely at the top…and all the way down!

    Today’s as good as any to talk about it. CEOs, Chairs, and Managers often say it’s lonely at the top. And that may well be true. Increasing research, however, suggests that this is a problem throughout most organisations. Ironically, loneliness… Read More…

  • How do we communicate?

    How do we communicate?

    “I don’t see why this even needs to be discussed,” the CEO exclaimed, somewhat frustrated, “the answer is obvious.” We were facilitating the company’s annual strategic retreat, and during the morning break, the senior executives were debriefing an incident at… Read More…
